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Contamination Source Investigation and Mitigation Plan for Industrial Park of High Contamination Pot

In order to assess soil and groundwater qualities in the industrial parks, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) issued the project “Contamination Source Investigation and Mitigation Plan for Industrial Park of High Contamination Potential (Phase IV)”. Based on “Light Classification Management” designated by the EPA, two industrial parks were selected in this project. In this project, the investigation included two stages. At the first stage, geophysical surveys and geological drilling were conducted within the areas of the above-mentioned industrial parks. At the second stage, questionnaire surveys and interviews with workers were conducted to select the factories with higher pollution potential. A total of 10 sites were selected for further investigation in which geophysical surveys, soil sampling, well installation, and groundwater sampling were subsequently conducted. Based on these results of the two stages, the plumes of contamination and hot spots were identified. Human health risk assessments ware conducted in order to ensure the safety of residential water usage. Furthermore, the administrative control measures were also proposed.
hydrogeological investigation, geophysical,pollution investigation, healthy risk assessments